
Truckshow Superdik


New date!
May 23 and 24, 2025 – Papendal, Arnhem (NL)


Visitor information

On Friday (May 23) you are welcome from 18:00 h. We finish at midnight. On Saturday (May 24) the gates open at 10:00 and we end at 16:00 h. Then follows the departure of the trucks.

Entrance is free, parking costs €10 per car. You can pay this when entering the car park, in cash or by card.

We have a great location; you are welcome at the Papendal sports center in Arnhem (the Netherlands). A beautiful location with the perfect atmosphere and in a wooded area. The address is Papendallaan 9, 6816VD Arnhem (NL). There are signs and volunteers on site to direct you to the parking lot and entrance.


Registration for trucks is open. We only have a limited number of places, a selection will take place if more registrations occur. Registration is open until April 1, 2025. We aim to send everyone a message by May 1st.

Participation costs 75 euros. For this you will receive a nice souvenir and breakfast for two people on Saturday morning.

You can register here.



Superdik 2024

Superdik 2024, the truck show with only the coolest show trucks. On Friday evening, May 31 and Saturday, June 1, you could admire approximately 235 show trucks up close. All from the 'super thick' category!

What a party it was! A beautiful weekend with dry weather and cool trucks, just what everyone was ready for. On Friday evening you could enjoy the many lights, cozy disco and artists. 'Johnny Bordeel' was of course also present. He put the truck spotters present in the spotlight by taking a photo of them.

On Saturday there was also plenty of time for a nice walk around the most beautiful trucks on the beautiful grounds of Sports Center Papendal in Arnhem (NL). For the children there was a car to chalk on, a sandbox and lots of face painting. At 4 p.m. the trucks left for home. This happened with the great interest of many. Awesome! Thank you all for coming and see you next year! 

Driving in the trucks on Friday already produces beautiful pictures.

Beautiful views..

Papendal Sports Center, a location with the perfect atmosphere.

Pleasantly busy!

Coziness in and around the tent.


Superdik 2023 photo report

We look back on a very successful first edition of Superdik. With about 220 trucks, a beautiful location and super nice weather, it was a show that we will not soon forget. Below you will find a selection of photos that we have received from various photographers. Have fun watching and hope to see you this year on May 31 and June 1 in Arnhem (NL).


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